
Robot Temi


↘ With the ECG function, perform electrocardiograms and monitor blood pressure

↘ Monitoring of sleep, daily physical activity and pulse

↘ Record BMI, muscle mass, bone mass, body and visceral fat, basal metabolism, water and body type

↘ Video consultations

↘ Video calls

↘ Entertainment against unwanted loneliness and boosting self-esteem

↘ Music therapy

↘ Playback of movies/lessons

↘ Dynamics of presentation and disinhibition

↘ Memory games, puzzles and board games

Interactive Smart Tables


↘ Different navigation menus

↘ Multiple configurations and split screen according to the number of users

↘ Call employees

↘ Surf the Internet

↘ Access news and gaming sites

↘ Watch videos

↘ Background music

↘ Contact form

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